"Travel Always Changes My Perspective On Things" - Tahir Raj Bhasin
“Travel Always Changes My Perspective On Things” – Tahir Raj Bhasin

Actor Tahir Raj Bhasin talks about his desires, a life-changing experience, his favourite place on earth, and more.

Actor Tahir Raj Bhasin talks about his desires, a life-changing experience, his favourite place on earth, and more. 




What is keeping you busy these days?


Prepping for the shoot of the upcoming film Manto. I’m playing Shyam, the 1940’s superstar.


What is your biggest achievement?


The term ‘biggest achievement’ has a sense of finality to it. The dreamer in me believes the biggest ones are yet to come. 


What is your biggest regret?


There are wins and then there are lessons. Regrets mean you’re overthinking the past.  


What is the one skill every man should have?


The art of conversation. 


What is your major flaw?


Wanting the world too fast. I can get impatient.


What is the one thing you always desire? 


Respect. I think that’s what most creativity boils down to.


What are you always searching for?


Happiness. It’s such a momentary, fleeting concept. You think you have it at one point, and then it passes.


Describe a life-changing experience.


Travel always changes my perspective on things. The first time I went on a solo backpacking trip to Europe, when I was around 20, it was life-changing. I met tons of other travellers, discovered small cities, went on a lot of walks and tried food I’d never heard of.


What is your favourite place on earth?


Prague. The city’s architecture is stunning, the women are very pretty and the food is amazing.


 What irritates you most about people?


Their need to take selfies. I was at an exhibition recently where most people were taking pictures of themselves at the venue, completely ignoring the art. It was funny and sad.


What is the word/phrase you overuse the most?


‘Cool’ or ‘sweet’. I use them interchangeably to communicate a spectrum of feelings, from approval, joy, gratitude, sarcasm, wonder — you name it. 


If you could be a historical figure for a day, who would you be?


Mohammed Ali. He famously said, “If you dream of beating me, you better wake up and apologise”. Now that’s style. 


What are your fears?


Besides personal questions in magazines, I would say I fear losing family or close friends. 


What is an overrated virtue, according to you?


Morality. We live in a time when the concept is abused and allows for judgment and/or censorship. What is wrong for one may be right for another. It’s about which side you look at things from, and how narrow or broad your vision is. 


One film you wish you had been a part of? 




The best piece of advice you’ve received?


Be process-oriented rather than goal-oriented. If you respect the process, the process respects you. 

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