5 Musical Pieces That Will Help You Sleep, Scientifically
5 Musical Pieces That Will Help You Sleep, Scientifically

If you’re an insomniac, you must try listening to these songs.

Sleep is essential to life, and it’s a pity that some people have to struggle with insomnia. If you’re not the type of person who can go into a peaceful slumber as soon as you hit the bed, there’s some comforting news for you. A recent UK study, moderated Dr. David Lewis-Hodgson came up with a list of musical pieces that are best for lulling you to sleep. 


Weightless by Marconi Union

Clair de Lune by Claude Debussy

Canzonetta Sul-aria by Mozart

Nocturne in E flat Major Op. 9 No. 2 by Chopin

The Boxer by Simon and Garfunkel

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