5 Causes Of Performance Anxiety
5 Causes Of Performance Anxiety

You might think it will never happen to you, but it’s an unpredictable world and it’ll do you good to know some of the common causes.


Sex is a wonderful experience, but some men smash their feet with an axe by letting performance anxiety come in the way. You might think it will never happen to you, but it’s an unpredictable world and it’ll do you good to know some of the common causes. We’ve listed them out for you.


Erectile dysfunction


Some men think that they will not be able to reach an erection, which is vital for intercourse. This fear can translate into them not even trying due to anxiety. It’s best to get yourself checked by a professional who can help you, if you’re experiencing this.


Body image issues


If someone’s too fat or too short, they might not feel confident naked. This will make them think that they are not desired by their partner. If it happens to you, remember that not everyone is perfect and you have to love your body.


Fear that your love-making skills won’t be good enough


Low self esteem can lead a man to think he’ll be terrible in bed, and lack the moves necessary to satisfy his partner. Moping won’t be much help, so if you are not confident, then it’s best to read books or watch videos that will arm you with all the skills required to be an irresistible beast in bed.


Penis size


A lot of people are not confident about their penis size, and feel that their partner will be turned off after seeing it. Anxiety caused due to this is often unnecessary as it’s how you perform with what you’ve got that matters more.


Past experiences which are negative


If a man’s been ridiculed by a woman for his penis size or sexual performance in the past, chances are that he’ll experience performance anxiety the next few times he will have sex. It’s natural, and the only way through this problem is to learn the art of lovemaking and garner some positive responses.

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