Last Week, Prada Japan customers reportedly experienced heavily-discounted products after a price-display issue online. The technical glitch enabled 99 per cent off on items including handbags and accessories. The customers reportedly saw many of the Italian brand’s signature pieces, like its nylon backpacks, bucket hats, jackets and sneakers, fall into a price range of ¥583 […]
Last Week, Prada Japan customers reportedly experienced heavily-discounted products after a price-display issue online. The technical glitch enabled 99 per cent off on items including handbags and accessories.
The customers reportedly saw many of the Italian brand’s signature pieces, like its nylon backpacks, bucket hats, jackets and sneakers, fall into a price range of ¥583 – ¥2,255 JPY (approximately Rs 416 – Rs 1611).
A day later, the luxury brand released a statement clarifying that the accidental display of a 99 per cent off sale was due to technical issues: “Our Prada official website experienced a technical problem which resulted in price inaccuracy indicated on some merchandise. The issue is now resolved. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.”
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