12 Shoe Rules You Need To Know
12 Shoe Rules You Need To Know

A man should have at least two pairs of formal shoes in black and brown, a pair of casual shoes and a pair of sneakers for the gym/ jogging.

Shoes are an important part of any man’s wardrobe. So here are some rules that you need to know. 


Here’s an incontrovertible fact: cheap shoes don’t last long; quality shoes do.


A man should have at least two pairs of formal shoes in black and brown, a pair of casual shoes and a pair of sneakers for the gym/ jogging.



Black, brown and tan are all the colours you really need as far as dress shoes go, but you can experiment with styles: a black oxford, a brown brogue and a tan monk-strap.


The best shoes are made from calfskin, followed by cowhide and suede.


In the purist classification, black is dressier than tan and brown, which in turn is more formal than suede and canvas. Plain cap-toe is more formal than a wingtip.



Shoes with leather soles are ideal for the boardroom and formal wear. However, this is not a hard and fast rule. Many prestigious brands now make leather shoes with rubber soles.


Make sure the leather soles of the dress shoe you buy are stitched, as opposed to glued, to the bottom of the shoes.



Good quality shoes need a fair bit of care, so be prepared to invest in good polish, creams and a shoe tree.


Shoes should always be darker than your suit, unless you are going casual, when you want the shoes to dominate your ensemble.


The general rule is that black goes better with black, grey and blue suits. But that rule is now increasingly being broken by adventurous men.



If you like wearing dress shoes for casual occasions, invest in a good pair of penny loafers.


Square-toed shoes were never in. The same goes for pointy shoes.


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