World Health Day: The Amount Of Alcohol You Need To Remain Healthy
World Health Day: The Amount Of Alcohol You Need To Remain Healthy

You think alcohol consumed in moderation is good for your health? Think again

If you’re from Bandra and live somewhere near Pali Village, you’ll encounter a Mrs Rodrigues who waxes eloquent about how a glass of gin every evening is the secret to her glowing good looks. There is always that relative one has who swears by the wonders of wine and then there’s that uncle who’s been reeking of scotch since the 2014 elections.


All of these people agree on one thing – that alcohol consumed in moderation can do wonders for one’s health. However, a recent study conducted by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington states that the only time alcohol is healthy is when it’s not in your body.


“The health risks associated with alcohol are massive. “Our findings are consistent with other recent research, which found clear and convincing correlations between drinking and premature death, cancer, and cardiovascular problems. Zero alcohol consumption minimizes the overall risk of health loss,” she said, according to Health Data.


The study was published in The Lancet, an international medical journal, and showed that nearly three million deaths globally can be attributed to alcohol.


“There is a compelling and urgent need to overhaul policies to encourage either lowering people’s levels of alcohol consumption or abstaining entirely,” Gakidou said, according to Science Daily. “The myth that one or two drinks a day are good for you is just that — a myth. This study shatters that myth.”

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