Are The ‘90s The New ‘60s?

No, we aren’t talking about your board results. This is about the latest apocalypse that seems to have hit the world. We’re referring to the ongoing ‘90s nostalgia. And we cannot even begin to tell you how terrible an idea it is, if you ask us.


There was a time when we used to reminisce about the ’60s and thought it was the greatest era ever. The unparalleled burst of creativity when it came to the hairstyles, the fashion scene, the films and a sprinkle of rock and roll (The Rolling Stones, The Beatles, Led Zep,  Dylan, Pink Floyd and more), the ’60s were definitely the epitome of cool. And we cannot forget the hippie culture and the growing feminism movement during the era that made it what it was.  

The ‘90s, in comparison were just ‘meh’. Now what was so great about the ‘90s that it made a comeback last year in full swing? From bushy eyebrows and pigtails, to dungarees and muscle tees, everything was kind of cringe-worthy if you look back now. What we believe is that some things are better left in the past, and that includes the ‘90s.

Then why is it that most millennials think that the ‘90s are nostalgia material? Let’s take a look at some of the most obnoxious things that the decade introduced us to.

The too-bad-to-be-true haircuts and the chest hair

If you’re having a bad hair day today, all you need is to go back to the ’90s right away. And they should also change its name from the naughty nineties to the ‘hairy’ nineties. Just saying. 

Move over Saturday night fever, it was the dungaree fever in the ’90s

The ’90s is a decade the fashion industry surely needs to forget for the overdose of dungarees we had to endure. 

Shades were the epitome of cool

Donning shades even at night time must have surely taken a toll on these actors’ eyesight, we’re presuming.  

Perversion and the ’90s went hand in hand

A lot of pelvic action and sexual innuendos in lyrics definitely scarred us for life. 

Bad rap

If you didn’t go red in the face after re-listening to Sarkailo Khatiya, then there’s always Baba Sehgal to the rescue. 


But then, if you look at the bright side, the ’90s was the golden era for Indian television with a lot of women centric TV programmes (such as Tara, Saans, Hasratein among others) as compared to today’s Naagin dances and women marrying ten-year olds on the small screen. If there is something nostalgia material from that era, it is the original and empowering TV content which was way ahead of its time that needs to be brought back. 

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