Why Deadpool Is The Superhero The Avengers Don't Deserve
Why Deadpool Is The Superhero The Avengers Don’t Deserve

The promotions for the film prove he’s cooler than anyone fighting Thanos

The first Deadpool movie came with a marketing storm- or so we thought. The promotion for the first movie was about proving that this version of Deadpool was to be true to the comics; that Ryan Reynolds and the rest of the production team had committed to making the no-holds barred violent and profane film fans had looked for. It was something of an underdog film then, put together on shoestring budget as far as superhero movies go and made to go through the difficulties of ten years of production hell. However, since that first film did well, the marketing team for the sequel has had to up its game to prove that the franchise will retain the same edge. And, as Reynolds notes as he breaks the fourth wall in one of the many trailers; “See, when you make a sequel you have to double-down on your promotions, or you just get buried by Infinity War.” Here’s the best from the promo run:


Deadpool with David Beckham:

On a Korean TV Show- In a Unicorn Mask:


At Manchester United:


Wishing Zayn Malik a Happy Birthday:


Interrupting Hugh Jackman’s Birthday Message:


Performing With Celine Dion:


And finally, here’s the actual trailer:


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