Uber And ICC Release Special Anthem To Celebrate The Cricket World Cup 2019
Uber And ICC Release Special Anthem To Celebrate The Cricket World Cup 2019

The song is called ‘Way-O Way-O’ and aims to pump up the crowd during matches

Uber, the world’s largest personal mobility company, has released ‘Way-O, Way-O,’ a song to energize fans at one of the world’s most anticipated sports tournaments – the ICC Cricket World Cup 2019. This was done as part of its exciting partnership with the International Cricket Council (ICC).


Written by Sonal Dabral (Ogilvy) and composed, produced and curated by Michael (Mikey) McCleary, the anthem is a cultural blend of harmonies and as a means of celebrating the value of togetherness. Acclaimed artists across five participating countries have come together to sing the song. 


The makers include Sanam, a popular Indian band known for its renditions of classical Bollywood songs, alongside other globally acclaimed artists such as Jahmiel (Jamaica), Catherine Taylor Dawson (United Kingdom), Simba Diallo (New Zealand) and Choir group – Khayelitsha United Mambazo (South Africa).


“First of all, we want to thank Mikey McCleary for trusting us with the song. It was a fun experience recording the song with him. We are thrilled that Uber has given us an opportunity to collaborate with so many talented and creative artists from around the world,” Sanam said.


“Having grown up in a cricket-loving nation like India, creating this signature song has been a labour of love for us and we’re confident that fans across the globe will connect to the anthem and thrive in the spirit of its cultural harmony,” they added.


“It has been an incredible experience to collaborate with talented singers and composers who’ve made the song come alive so beautifully, and we are excited to hear it and see it come alive during the championships. Thanks Uber, We’re on Our Way-O!’’ Khayelitsha United Mambazo from South Africa also said.

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