Hilarious Arnab Goswami Memes That The Nation Wants To Laugh At
Hilarious Arnab Goswami Memes That The Nation Wants To Laugh At

To be fair to him, Arnab does raise pertinent issues and helps people form opinions.

Arnab Goswami is someone who is liked by some, hated by others. his channel Republic is doing very well, and it’s hugely due to Arnab’s great interrogation skills and his ability to feel strongly about issues. Last year, we featured him on our cover and while we spoke to him about the serious issues, we also explored his lighter side. 


So what does Arnab do when he isn’t busy with Republic? “I listen to a lot of music. Pink Floyd, Roger Waters, Led Zeppelin, Radiohead. Old-school rock. Also, Tom Petty. I basically download all the live performances. I like to listen to 15 variations of the same song. If you listen to the original ‘Creed’ by Radiohead, you would find that the variations by others are better. I’m into music in that limited, amateurish sense,” he said. 


When asked about whether his family is concerned for him considering the fact that he takes on so many big guns, he says, “My family’s very supportive. My family has seen all the attempts that have been made by big media groups to crush me. They are very motivated by what I’m doing. I’m very fortunate to have their total and complete support. I actually enjoy doing what I’m doing. It’s not a stress for me.”


So without further ado, let’s give you what you came here for, which is hilarious Arnab memes. 



Other than being extremely argumentative, Arnab is also extremely patriotic (we aren’t pointing this out just because it’s Republic Day). “What I’m saying is that if you talk so much about India, and you operate in India, and you pass so many judgements on India, then please answer me, why don’t you carry an Indian passport? Why do you carry an American passport? At least for a large part of your life, if you have continued to have carried an American passport, then do you really have the legitimacy to pass so many judgements about my country? I’m not referring to any individual. I’m making a general case. If this were to be a hypothetical situation, this would be a valid question to ask,” he said in the cover story we did with him. 


Indeed, as much as we may laugh at his antics, he is doing a serious job of forming opinions and making news entertaining.   

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