Kalki Koechlin Goes Nude On Instagram And Here's Why Trolls Can Never Stop Her
Kalki Koechlin Goes Nude On Instagram And Here’s Why Trolls Can Never Stop Her

Other than this Instagram pic, Kalki’s also gone nude in Margarita With A Straw, where she plays a teenager with cerebral palsy.

Kalki Koechlin is surely one of our favourite people in Bollywood. She is an avant garde actress who makes terrific film choices (Dev D, That Girl In Yellow Boots and Margarita With A Straw, to name a few), and isn’t afraid to wear her heart on her sleeve and make bold opinions known.Today, she posted a nude photo of herself on her Instagram handle, and it made the trolls very active. Thankfully, knowing Kalki, we know that these comments will not dissuade her as she is too intellectually refined to be affected by low-lifes.


In an interview with MW, she spoke about her privileged childhood and said, “I have been born in a very lucky family. I’ve been brought up very equally to my brother. So I’ve even learnt to change tyres from a very young age. Unfortunately that’s not the case with everyone. We treat our boys and girls very differently. A person can be so many things. We should allow for them to think that they can become anything. Though, we still have a long way to go. But the fact that everyone is talking about it, it is no more a marginalised thing.”

Other than this Instagram pic, Kalki’s also gone nude in Margarita With A Straw, where she plays a teenager with cerebral palsy. She has always broken the glass ceiling, and dared to go where no actress has gone before.

Despite being very close to perfection as a human being (if you ask us), Kalki does admit to wanting to change a few things about herself. “I’m always frustrated with my Hindi. It’s not a regret but it’s something that I have to keep working on. I also regret as a kid for not having taken Bharatnatyam classes. I love dancing but I can’t dance to save my life. I’d quit after a year of classes but I wish I had kept going. At some point, I’d want to go back to dance classes,” she said.


More power to you, Kalki! 

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