Real Women Reveal Why They Love Teddy Bears
Real Women Reveal Why They Love Teddy Bears

Disclaimer: Not all women like teddy bears, but most of the women we spoke to loved them.

It’s Valentine’s Day, and when it comes to gifting your special someone something they are likely to appreciate, teddy bears (big in size) are a safe option. After all, every woman was once a little girl and teddy bears allows them to explore that side of their personality. That said, not all women like teddy bears, but a lot of them do. We speak to some to figure out exactly why this is the case.


“They give us something to cuddle with, and usually, all teddy bears look adorably cute. Even though they are non living things, a teddy bear radiates love and compassion I feel,” says Pooja Kohli, an investment banker.


“Some girls like teddy bears because of that comforting feeling they get from it. We all have our inner baby inside of us. Just like children and their toys that make them happy. A teddy bear seems to be the best form of toy in between being a child and an adult,” says Oyinade Ademodi, a user on Quora.


“I love my teddy bear because it was given to be my father when I was a child, and he is no more. So it serves as a memory. Last year, my boyfriend gifted me one and it touched me because these stuffed pockets of happiness are just the thing I need when I miss him whenever he is out of town,” says Ritika Sharma, a third year B.Com student.


Some women also say that teddy bears are loved by women because they are like a baby and appeal to the woman’s motherly instinct, but on the plus side, they don’t pee, cry and poop.


“It’s a golden cure for insomnia. Cuddling up with a teddy bear at the end of a long hard day at work is just something I need in order to calm down my nerves,” says Sanika Paul, a PR professional.


(Names have been changed to protect identity.)


Image source: Pixabay

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