Five Hipster Backpack Tech Essentials You Need To Carry On Your Next Trip
Five Hipster Backpack Tech Essentials You Need To Carry On Your Next Trip

Hipsters, take note

When you finally decide to take that trip to the mountains, you’re trying your best to get away from your urban lifestyle and detach yourself from your tech attachments, but these pieces of tech are something you shouldn’t head out on a trip without. We know that, so we’ve made a great list of five tech essentials you should pack up for your next trip:




Fujifilm Instax Mini 9 Polaroid Camera





If you go on a trip without a camera, you’re clearly not doing it right. Unless you’re one of those people who only believe in taking mental pictures. The problem with taking pictures on a digital camera or your phone is that they always remain inside them and you never actually get around to developing those pictures. But with a Polaroid camera, you print your memory out instantly. 


You can buy it here.




XECH Flask Bluetooth Speaker





Have you ever heard of a flask that also works as a Bluetooth speaker? Well, that exists and it would make the perfect companion for you on your next trip. The Xech Hot & Cold Flask Speaker can store your hot or cold beverage and you can even play your favourite songs through the Bluetooth speaker. If you want, you can detach the speaker and use it separately as well. 


You can but it here.









Reading is a big part of any traveller’s trip. But carrying all your favourite books on your trip might not be practical, so you might as well take a Kindle along with all your favourite books on it. 


You can buy it here.




GoPro Hero7





Yes, you do have a camera with you, but carrying a GoPro that records your beautiful journey in 4K would be the cherry on top. Polaroid cameras can’t take videos so we suggest you to take a GoPro with you. Also, the fact that it’s waterproof will come in handy when you head to the beach or a waterfall. 


You can buy it here.




Power Bank With Torch





If you’re carrying all this tech with you, it goes without saying that you need to pack a power bank as well. But since you have such limited space, you should carry a power bank which can do more than just provide juice to your electronics. The Portronics Litehouse is a power bank which is also a full-fledged flashlight. 


You can buy it here

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