The Shocking Reason Why Jackie Chan's Daughter Is Homeless
The Shocking Reason Why Jackie Chan’s Daughter Is Homeless

The film star’s daughter claims she has been sleeping under bridges due to her parents’ treatment

Jackie Chan’s estranged daughter Etta Ng posted a video on YouTube to talk about her homelessness. The 18-year-old, daughter of Chan and model Elain Ng, states that her family has cut ties with her due to homophobia. 


She posted a video along with her girlfriend, social media influencer Andi Autumn. “Hi, I’m Jackie Chan’s daughter, and this is my girlfriend Andi. We’ve been homeless for a month due to homophobic parents. We pretty much slept under a bridge and other things” she says in the video. 


They claim that they have asked family and friends for assistance, but they are only directed to shelters where they know they will be split up at a government facility. The police, food banks, hospitals, and even LGBT shelters have apparently all been unhelpful. 


The video has been met with harsh reception, with homophobic comments and people calling for the pair to get jobs. 


Ng came out as a lesbian last October. In March last year, she called the police over a domestic disturbance, and her mother was arrested on account of criminal intimidation. She spent two months in hospital for emotional instability following the event. 


Jackie Chan has not addressed the matter publicly yet. He has another child, a son; 35-year-old actor Jaycee. Chan is noted for his hardline politics and his conformity with the Chinese government’s policies. 





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