Footballer Robin Singh Trains For At Least 50 Hours A Week
Footballer Robin Singh Trains For At Least 50 Hours A Week

Footballer Robin Singh’s take on fitness and being driven by a desire to win.


Robin Singh is a professional Indian footballer who plays for the Bengaluru FC in the I-League as a Forward. The footballer trains for at least 50 hours a week, and loves music and gaming in his free time. Here, he talks about his fitness regime, how he deals with injuries, his daily diet plan and his personal advice to aspiring athletes.





  • My mantra in life is to keep it simple, keep it real and live like a king. Every day is a new day with new blessings.





  • A sportsman should wake up every day, wanting to learn and improve and be the best version of himself. Hard work, dedication, commitment and a passion for your sport should be your driving force.





  • My workouts during tournaments are mostly light and tactical, focussed on winning the next game. Small sided games, shooting practices and set piece training are some of the modes we work out in. On the other hand, off season is about staying fit and recovering from the previous season. So it includes a lot of cardio and yoga-oriented training. All in all, I train for close to 50 hours a week.





  • I am currently recovering from an injury, so I am training in the gym, aiming to come back stronger. My regimen involves weight lifting, fitness and core exercises.





  • My way of dealing with injuries is being patient and trusting in the Almighty. Injuries are a part of every athlete’s journey and the only way to reverse them is with patience, giving positivity to your body and the right treatment.





  • For a footballer, having the strongest legs is imperative and hence I enjoy training my legs. Weight-lifting is another favourite.





  • I’m a fitness freak and feel at home in the gym. There’s no part of my fitness training that I dislike.






  • When facing an opponent, my focus is always on the ball. I often find my mind calm down as it absorbs the peripheral view of my teammates and opponents around me, mapping ways to the goal.





  • I am constantly driven by my hunger and desire to win. I hate losing.





  • My daily diet includes fresh vegetables and fruits, protein for my height, weight and profession and lots of water. I consume carbs on match days and sometimes allow myself a cheat day after a good game. I am a big meat lover and I also have a massive sweet tooth.





  • Rest and relaxation are extremely important as an athlete’s body goes through a lot each day and game. Recovery is most important.





  • My playlist and my Playstation are my biggest assets when I have to unwind. If not these two, I love spending time with my family and travelling when I get the opportunity.





  • My advice to any athlete is to be yourself, be passionate about your game, wake up each day to learn and to challenge yourself each day.





  • Photo courtesy Nimish Jain Photography

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