The 2020 Bentley Bentayga Speed Dethrones The Urus To Become The World's Fastest SUV
The 2020 Bentley Bentayga Speed Dethrones The Urus To Become The World’s Fastest SUV

Bow down, there’s a new king

Competition is tough, and Bentley is making sure their own auto cousin realise that too. After revealing the Urus, Lamborghini took the spot for the fastest SUV, taking over a position the 2016 Bentley Bentayga first held. But clearly, Bentley wasn’t happy being in second place and has retaliated with the release of the new 2020 Bentley Bentayga Speed. 


The Bentayga Speed beats the Urus by just one extra number, with the Bentayga Speed reporting a speed of 306 kmph while the Urus reports a speed of 305 kmph.







To make this possible, Bentley did have to tweak the previous Bentayga a little. The 6.0-liter W-12 engine gets an extra 26 horses, bringing it to 626-horsepower. Other little details that played a role was the reimagined exhaust, suspension, new 22-inch wheels and a rear spoiler. 







SUV’s have evolved from just being big chunks of metal to now being fast big chunks of metal and almost every car-maker naturally, wants the top spot. Lamborghini is already working on making the Urus faster so it’ll be interesting to watch how this sibling rivalry unfolds. 






(Picture Credits – Bentley Instagram & Website)

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