The biggest global erotic phenomenon since the Kama Sutra, Fifty Shades of Grey, hits theatres tomorrow. And that makes us wonder: why is sex so much more exciting in novels than in real life? Durex’s new campaign, #50GamesToPlay, seems to disagree. If their campaign video is anything to go by, couples can easily translate their favourite fiction moments to real life, with a little help from Durex. Got a smile on your face already?
A new research by Durex reveals that, 65% of the population prefers reality to books or digital platforms, even though there has been a decline in how often people are having sex. In fact, the last study published in 2014, by the British National Surveys of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles (Natsal), shows that, the average number of times Brits have sex each month had dropped from five to three.
The study also observes that, not only are people having less sex, they are also seriously lacking inspiration to try out new things in the bedroom. Over one third of sample group said that it has been more than a year since they did something off the beaten road. To stir things up a little, Durex has also launched the #50GamesToPlay Guide – a handbook of sex tips, games and other fun stuff to help couples get the heat back.
Here are some fun stats about sexual behaviour. Where do you fit in?
– 63% of people said that reading adult fiction is the thing that gets them in the mood for sex but only 40% of people who have a sexual fantasy had ever acted it out with their partner
– 47% said they want their partner to be more open to sharing their fantasies
– The appetite for broadening sexual horizons is certainly evident with 43% of respondents considering themselves to be playful in bed
– 28% said that they were embarrassed to share a fantasy or sex game idea with their partners but 47% said they would like their partner to be more forthcoming in sharing their fantasies
– Role playing (17%), trying a sex toy (17%) and trying a pleasure gel (10%) are the most popular things that people would like to experiment with