No, Rahul Khanna hasn’t disappeared. In fact, he plays a spy in the hit US TV series, The Americans. Check out his account where this stylish actor chronicles his fabulous life on sets and at home.
Surprise, surprise! The Hulk is actually quite a friendly guy. From taking selfies with his famous friends and enemies (Loki aka Tom Hiddleston), to clicking his hot wife, Sunrise Coigney, you’ll get to see the playful side of this green monster.
He’s funny, he’s good-looking and has 4.9m followers on Instagram. Also, he is Magic Mike XXL. Need we say anything else?
According to actor Jeremy Piven’s niece, he works for a bus company. The star of hit TV show and soon-to-be-released-movie, Entourage, Ari Gold’s instagram account says otherwise. If you are an Ari Gold fan, then we are pretty sure that you’re already following him.