Recently, Netflix shared the first trailer of its upcoming animated series, ‘Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous.‘ It focuses on a group of kids trying to survive another dinosaur outbreak in a Jurassic Park. The series from DreamWorks Animation consists of eight episodes and Steven Spielberg and Colin Trevorrow serve as the producers. The synopsis of the […]
Recently, Netflix shared the first trailer of its upcoming animated series, ‘Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous.‘ It focuses on a group of kids trying to survive another dinosaur outbreak in a Jurassic Park.
The series from DreamWorks Animation consists of eight episodes and Steven Spielberg and Colin Trevorrow serve as the producers. The synopsis of the show read: “When the events of the film unfold and dinosaurs are unleashed across the island, each kid realizes their very survival rests on the shoulders of themselves and their fellow campers.”
The streaming platform will premiere all eight episodes of Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous’ first season on September 18.