Best Super Bowl Ads Of 2024; Ben Affleck, Aubrey Plaza, Christopher Walken
Best Super Bowl Ads Of 2024

A Parks and Rec reunion and the end of Sadfleck memes

It’s the time of the year again when American football takes over international headlines, but not for sporting reasons. The annual Super Bowl brings in a host of on-field drama only Americans can understand, however, the accompanying ads are what the rest of the world is mostly interested in. That being said, here are five favourites of the year.


I am Walken here

Christopher Walken and BMW show that there is only one Christopher Walken and the rest…well…bad impersonators. 

Aubrey Plaza having a blast


It’s Aubrey Plaza’s world and we’re living in it. Plaza navigates life with her signature deadpan demeanour, aided by a fizzy citrus drink, you may have heard of with a special appearance from someone you also might’ve heard of. 

No More Sadfleck


Ben Affleck, Matt Damon and Tom Brady play wingman, to Affleck as he tries to impress the unimpressed Jennifer Lopez, in this short for Dunkin Donuts.

Jeff Goldblum And Uh…Aliens 


Aliens descend upon Earth and, naturally, require accommodation. The premise may be straightforward, and who else to help them other than ummm…Jeff Goldblum.

What Do The French Like?


America realizes that it owes France a token of appreciation for the Statue of Liberty and opts for a grand gesture: sending a colossal cheese board via Etsy, because why not? 

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