Chunky Panday, amongst many other Bollywood actors, has admitted to appearing at weddings and other such events. While this is a very common deal in the industry, you will be shocked to know that Panday was once offered to appear at a funeral of a Mumbai-based businessman. Also Read: The Fabulous Lives of Bollywood Wives: […]
Chunky Panday, amongst many other Bollywood actors, has admitted to appearing at weddings and other such events. While this is a very common deal in the industry, you will be shocked to know that Panday was once offered to appear at a funeral of a Mumbai-based businessman.
Also Read: The Fabulous Lives of Bollywood Wives: How To Find The Truth In Trash
Back in 2009, Panday revealed that he was offered Rs 5 lakhs to appear at a funeral, and cry in the corner. He revealed that the family of the Mulund-based businessman wanted the actor to stand in the corner, and say nothing. The family just wanted to give the impression that the deceased had invested in a film, and because all of their money was stuck in the project, they won’t be unable to repay certain debts.
Panday told Mumbai Mirror, “They wanted me to do a bit of rona-dhona and stand in a corner very quietly during the entire funeral. They said: ‘That would help us convince them (the creditors) that he’d been putting together a film with some actors, including you’.”
Chunky Panday, however, declined the offer. He then recommended another actor’s name for the same, after seeing how troubled the family was. “I am not at liberty to disclose who went instead of me, except to say the guy went very readily. Rs 5 lakh is not a small amount for standing like a statue for few minutes on an occasion where you are not going to talk much anyway,” he revealed.
The family even offered him a commission for the arrangement, but he did not take it because an actor he wants to act ‘in movies, not at funerals’. The actor added that he had ‘nearly fainted’ after hearing the request.
Chunky Panday was last seen in The Fabulous Lives of Bollywood Wives as himself. The show revolved around the life of his wife, Bhavna Panday and her friends. Speaking about his wife in a recent interview, he revealed to Free Press Journal, “You know something, we still haven’t said ‘I love you’ to each other till now because it’s understood that we love each other.”