Friends aired for 10 seasons from 1994 through 2004, and even after so many years of it going off-air, the popularity of the show knows no bounds. The characters played by David Schwimmer (Ross Gellar), Jennifer Aniston (Rachel Green), Courteney Cox (Monica Gellar), Lisa Kudrow (Phoebe Buffay), Matt LeBlanc (Joey Tribbiani)m and Matthew Perry (Chandler […]
Friends aired for 10 seasons from 1994 through 2004, and even after so many years of it going off-air, the popularity of the show knows no bounds. The characters played by David Schwimmer (Ross Gellar), Jennifer Aniston (Rachel Green), Courteney Cox (Monica Gellar), Lisa Kudrow (Phoebe Buffay), Matt LeBlanc (Joey Tribbiani)m and Matthew Perry (Chandler Bing) still hold a special place in the audience’s heart. A possible reunion of the cast is in the pipeline, and Schwimmer finally shared some exciting updates about it during an interview.
Schwimmer arrived at SiriusXM’s talk show Radio Andy on March 3, and confirmed that the HBO Max special that is supposed to bring the cast back together on the NBC comedy’s original soundstage will be taped very shortly. “It’s happening. Actually, in a little over a month, I’m heading out to L.A. So, finally, I mean, we figured out a way to film it safely, and there’s going to be a portion of it that we filmed outside because of, you know, for safety protocols,” revealed the actor.
Also Read: Lisa Kudrow Reveals Exciting News About The ‘FRIENDS’ Reunion
Schwimmer also addressed the rumours that suggested Ellen DeGeneres had been booked for hosting the special, and shut down the probability of her involvement in the show. He added, “I can tell you it’s not Ellen, and it’s not Billy Crystal. I can tell you who it’s not, but that’ll take a while, probably.”
The sitcom’s reunion was initially announced in February 2020 and was scheduled to premiere in May the same year, but it was delayed momentarily due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Aniston talked about the delay, and revealed that they did not want to shoot without a live audience, and hence decided to postpone the shoot indefinitely.
Also Read: FRIENDS Cast Secretly Records 90-Minute Reunion Special
Kudrow had also dropped a hint about the reunion, revealing that she and her co-stars have already shot for some scenes in January. She added that the cast won’t be reprising their characters from the show in the reunion, but it will be like a chat session as themselves. “It’s not a reboot. It’s not like a scripted thing, we’re not portraying our characters. It’s us getting together, which just doesn’t happen a lot, and has never happened in front of other people since 2004 when we stopped.”