Actor Shahid Kapoor has been enjoying success in his career what with Kabir Singh being a massive blockbuster. He recently bought a house in Mumbai and is looking forward to shifting in with his wife and children soon. In an exclusive chat with Filmfare, the actor opened up about his relationship with wife Mira Kapoor. […]
Actor Shahid Kapoor has been enjoying success in his career what with Kabir Singh being a massive blockbuster. He recently bought a house in Mumbai and is looking forward to shifting in with his wife and children soon. In an exclusive chat with Filmfare, the actor opened up about his relationship with wife Mira Kapoor.
“No one should live in an illusion that everything’s set. When you believe everything is on autopilot, it all falls apart. You’ve got to work every day at everything. Whether it’s marriage, parenting, career or even your relationship with your parents. I struggle with all of them. I struggle at maintaining my friendships. I’m terrible at maintaining long-distance relationships. I struggle at dividing my time between my wife, my children and work. My wife feels she isn’t a priority. I feel guilty about not giving enough time to myself. Many a time I tell my family, ‘Guys, let me work also sometimes’,” he said.
He was all praise for Mira and stated that he is his “biggest reality”. He also spoke about the fact that she got married so young and had two kids when she was herself just a young adult.
“Marriage is like a book. Mira’s my biggest reality because we share our lives together. In the past four years, she’s constantly said, “Shahid, when your films didn’t work, I used to wonder what was going on? I’ve been part of the struggle too for four years. I’ve been there with you through your highs and lows. Now I know.” There’s a partnership, there a sense of achieving together. She got married so young, had two kids and had to figure out how to deal with that when she was just stepping out of being a kid herself. She must have had her dreams and desires but she pushed those aside. That’s a lot to deal with,” he said, adding: “Also, the fact that we have an age difference, we are 13 years apart. We need to understand how to bring up the kids together responsibly. We’re learning how to deal with things together. Sometimes we’re each other’s best friends. Sometimes we just don’t understand each other. It’s all happening simultaneously.”