Taking charge in a responsible, eye-opening, and rather amusing video, Deadpool star Ryan Reynolds
has just filmed and shared his first colonoscopy experience, hoping to raise awareness about the prevention and screening of colon cancer.
“I would never normally have any medical procedure put on camera. It’s not every day that you can raise awareness on something that will most definitely save lives,” Reynolds says in the clip, as he takes an elevator to the office of Dr. Jonathan LaPook.
After stepping into LaPook’s New York City office, Reynolds has a short chat with the celebrity doctor and is taken to the examination room.
Twenty-five minutes later, LaPook tells the actor that the procedure revealed an ‘extremely subtle polyp’ on the right side of his colon. “This was potentially lifesaving for you. I’m not kidding,” Lapook tells Reynolds. “This is exactly why you do this. You had no symptoms.” In response to this, Reynolds replies, “Thank you for pushing me to do this.”
Why Did Reynolds Get The Colonoscopy?

Reynolds will turn 46 this October — putting him just over the recommended age to begin
screenings for colon cancer, according to the American Cancer Society. Their latest report suggests
that either stool tests or a colonoscopy should be performed — both of which can indicate the
formation of polyps in the colon.
Polyps — such as the one Reynolds discovered, are small clumps of cells that indicate abnormal cell
growth. While most are harmless, they do indicate the possibility of cancerous cells.
“I just cut it off with a snare and it’s gone,” explained Dr. Lapook. “You are interrupting the natural
history of a disease…that could have ended up…developing into cancer. You’re not only diagnosing
the polyp, but you’re also taking it out,” LaPook explains. “That’s why people need to do this. This saves
Besides Reynolds’ colon cancer screening, the video also shows his friend and fellow actor Rob
McElhenney went in for his colonoscopy, having three small polyps removed from his colon, and
being told by doctors to get screened again after two years. Fans obviously loved Reynolds’ tongue=-
in-cheek activism at play, showering the actor with praise on Twitter:
Reynolds and McElhenney recently signed a partnership with Lead From Behind, an organization
seeking to raise awareness about colon cancer prevention among men and women.
Lead Image: Ryan Reynolds/YouTube