NBC Peacock is celebrating the debut of The Office on its platform with the release of behind-the-scenes from the pilot episode of the series. The five-minute feature includes interviews with some of the young cast such as Steve Carrell, Rainn Wilson, B.J. Novak, John Krasinski and Jenna Fischer, which was shot a year before the […]
NBC Peacock is celebrating the debut of The Office on its platform with the release of behind-the-scenes from the pilot episode of the series.
The five-minute feature includes interviews with some of the young cast such as Steve Carrell, Rainn Wilson, B.J. Novak, John Krasinski and Jenna Fischer, which was shot a year before the pilot episode aired. Carrell can be seen answering the questions almost like his character Michael Scott, where he also explains that many people can identify with the show’s characters because they exist in real life.
He further talks about the pressure of being compared to the U.K. version of the series. “There’s no way it’s going to be better than that, so it just has to be different,” Carrell said.
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Fischer and Krasinski also talked about Michael Scott’s character and added that he’s someone who tries to be like a cool dad with his sons or an uncle who is always “coming short” of wanting to crack jokes and be friends. Carell ends the behind-the-scenes video by saying, “There are a lot of incidental characters too, which we hope, overtime, will develop and you’ll see more of the people within The Office. So there are lots of different types that you’re going to see. Most of them are slightly insane.”
Peacock also shared a never-before-seen cold open that was inspired by The Matrix. Take a look at it below.
It’s a never-before-seen opener, shot for season nine that shows one of Jim and Pam’s elaborate pranks on Dwight, this time taking ideas from the hit Wachowskis’ blockbuster The Matrix. The clip opens with Dwight sitting in the manager’s office, seeing two black cats walk past his door, which fans would remember is a “glitch” within the Matrix world. It then escalates to yet another humourous prank played by the duo on him. Not giving any more spoilers, watch the complete above.
Also Read: Steve Carell Says He Doesn’t Remember Most Of The Office References And Lines