This year, Yash Raj Films turned 50 and banner has announced some huge projects to celebrate this occasion. One of the major projects from them include a comedy with Vicky Kaushal and Manushi Chillar and the actor has started shooting for the film today. Kaushal took to his Instagram today and shared a couple of […]
This year, Yash Raj Films turned 50 and banner has announced some huge projects to celebrate this occasion. One of the major projects from them include a comedy with Vicky Kaushal and Manushi Chillar and the actor has started shooting for the film today.
Kaushal took to his Instagram today and shared a couple of pictures, where the actor can be seen in his vanity van with a script in his hand. The actor captioned his latest snap as: ” Shubh Aarambh”.
Take a look at his recent post below.
According to Filmfare, other big projects announced by YRF include Shah Rukh Khan-Deepika Padukone-John Abraham starrer Pathan, Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif starrer Tiger 3, a film with Ajay Devgn and many others.
Also Read: Pooja Ladha Surti Talks About Scriptwriting And Upcoming Projects