Neeraj Chopra’s golden triumph at the Tokyo Olympics not only made him India’s blue-eyed boy, but also helped soar his social media popularity to towering heights. According to a report by research consultancy firm YouGov SPORT, the hard-working javelin thrower recorded over 2.9 million mentions from over 1.4 million authors on Instagram during the event, […]
Neeraj Chopra’s golden triumph at the Tokyo Olympics not only made him India’s blue-eyed boy, but also helped soar his social media popularity to towering heights.
According to a report by research consultancy firm YouGov SPORT, the hard-working javelin thrower recorded over 2.9 million mentions from over 1.4 million authors on Instagram during the event, making him the ‘most mentioned’ athlete globally.
These numbers also represent a whopping 1,401 per cent increase in mentions and 2,055 per cent increase in his mentions from separate authors online.