During the 31st match of the ongoing IPL series between Royal Challengers Bangalore aka RCB and Kolkata Knight Riders, famously known as KKR, the former team was seen donning a light blue jersey in their effort to pay homage to the Covid-19 frontline workers. This was a special moment for the team as it was […]
During the 31st match of the ongoing IPL series between Royal Challengers Bangalore aka RCB and Kolkata Knight Riders, famously known as KKR, the former team was seen donning a light blue jersey in their effort to pay homage to the Covid-19 frontline workers. This was a special moment for the team as it was not only their opening game for the series but also the 200th match they participated in. Ahead of the match, the special edition, light-blue jersey was unveiled on September 18 by team captain Virat Kohli and RCB chairman, Prathamesh Mishra, through a virtual press conference.
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The blue jerseys worn by the players, carrying messages to spread awareness about the vaccination drive, will be signed and auctioned by the team. The funds generated from the auction will then be put to use to accelerate the Covid-19 vaccination drive in India. The money will primarily help the underprivileged communities who still don’t have access to vaccines.
About the initiative, Kohli said, “India has been battling Covid-19 on a war footing. While vaccination has been going on at a great pace, the frontline workers are the ones bearing the burden of helping us move past this pandemic. We have great respect and admiration for these workers and would like to assist these heroes in our own little way to spread awareness. We are all in this fight together and we need to work together to help humanity move forward.”
RCB has always supported a social initiative throughout their IPL journey. Their fans are familiar with the green jersey which relates to their ‘Go Green’ initiative. This jersey has been a staple since 2011 in the team’s effort to spread awareness about clean, lush and healthy. As far as the match is concerned, it didn’t mark a good opening for RCB as the team lost to its opponent, in the case, KKR, by a wide margin of 9 wickets.