Maya Beach, A Hollywood Favourite, To Be Shut Indefinitely
Maya Beach, A Hollywood Favourite, To Be Shut Indefinitely

Reportedly 6000 tourists used to visit Maya Beach every day

Featured in the 2000 film The Beach starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Maya Beach in Thailand is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world. However, according to media reports, the beach will now be indefinitely shut to the public so it can recover from the ravages of over tourism.


“We need at least a year or even up to two years or maybe more for the environment to recover – this includes the coral reefs, mangrove, and the beach,” said Songtham Sukswang, Director of the Office of National Parks to Reuters.


This comes after parts of Koh Kai islands and Koh Tachai were closed off to tourists for similar reasons. Reportedly 6000 tourists used to visit Maya Beach every day.


Earlier this year, the beach had been shut off with authorities stating that the ban would last for a few months but it appears that Maya Beach will need more than a few months to recover.

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